儿童英语故事短文:大本钟Big Ben Big Ben is not the name of a man. It is a name of the clock. It is in London. London is the capital city of England. The big clock has four f...
Big Ben is actually the clock's 13-ton bell, which was named after Sir Benjamin Hall, the British commissioner of works at the time the clock was built. The official name f...
琳琅满目的节日装饰遍布全城,耳熟能详的圣诞歌曲温暖动听,圣诞节的气氛温暖这个寒冬。而让这个冬天持续升温的,还有来自加拿大的著名儿童魔幻童话剧大师、魔奇英语教学总督导Uncle Jerem...
John: Does the clock work? 上面的钟表报时吗? Nana: Yes, it does. It tells time every thirty minutes. 是的,它每30分钟报时一次。 John: It's something like Big Ben in London...
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